Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So that's how it's done....

Sorry it's been so long. I've been insanely busy with work and our Christmas choir concert that's coming up. I don't have much but this link. Hehe. Always wanted to know how to get one.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hehe... it's so true...

I found this video this weekend. I thought it was pretty awesome! Enjoy.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another shout-out?

I'm watching President Obama speaking at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska from earlier today.... The first thing that stood out to me, is that this guy just loves giving shout-outs. So far all I've heard is shout-outs, and applause.... I'm not sure why this was even on TV.... This is completely pointless.... So far it's been about three minutes of welcoming/thanking different people/groups of people.... "Senator Mark Begich is in the house." Really? Did he just say that?

Thank you President Obama for wasting my time.

HAHAHAHA. They cut him off on FOX News. He was just rambling. HAHA.

It seems like what he was getting to was just another one of his meaningless speeches. His empty words. Typical politician.

Am I the only one who is actually starting to get sick to his stomach whenever he is talking? I don't trust a word he says when he speaks. It literally makes me feel ill.

When I was little, I hated it when the president spoke. It ruined that night of TV, it was beyond boring for me, and Bill Clinton was just all-around pretty scary. Now, I hate it for different reasons. The outright lies that come from him make me want to explode. It takes all I have to even read through one of his speeches without pulling a Congressman Joe Wilson. My poor laptop screen can't take all the verbal abuse, it's just the messenger.

I don't know. I'm tired of all of this. I host hope for a conservative (not republican) victory next year.

Get ready for another year of, "I'm ______ and I approve this message."

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I want to give a shout-out....

Sorry it's been awhile.

The other day, I was at work late, and when I got in the car, I heard on the news about the shooting at Fort Hood. It was horrible news. I'm sure many of you were astounded that there was a shooting at a military base.

Well, I got home, and started watching Beck, which I record everyday, when I saw the video that I'm about to embed. I was lucky that he addressed the shooting during the time I was recording. Here it is:

Now, I know this was a conference that he was already going to speak to. However, as the Commander-in-Chief, with the entire nation waiting for his response to the incident, how does he think it's okay to come out, smiling, and give a shout-out to someone? Which is more important at that particular moment? This conference, or the horrible tragedy (let alone security issue)?

"Let me first of all just thank Ken, and the entire department of the interior of staff, for organizing just an extraordinary conference."

"I hear that Dr. Joe, Medicine Crow, was around, so I want to give a shout-out to that congressional medal of honor winner."

Are you kidding? Really, I'm serious. Is this a joke? I was yelling at my TV. He was somewhat joyful until almost exactly two minutes into his speech, which is when he finally gets to the part where he addresses the nation about Fort Hood.

And one of my favorite parts is about 4:25 into the video, when he says, "I want all of you to know, that, as the Commander-in-Chief, there is no greater honor, but also no greater responsibility for me, than to make sure that the extraordinary men and women in uniform are properly cared for, and that their safety and security when they are at home, is provided for." Note that he had to make something about him, and that he said that their safety and security while they are at home is his responsibility. Because we all know how prompt he is with making a decision on Afghanistan, so when they're overseas it obviously can't be his responsibility.

Also, something I wanted to point out is that his entire address about the shooting was only about 2:45 long. That's only 45 seconds longer than his little opening. Now, I know what you're going to say, "Well, he didn't have a whole lot of information at the time." I understand that. But if you're going to briefly address the situation, due to lack of information, why start your address to the conference you're at, then stop to address the issue, then restart your address to the conference? How does that even make sense?

Please, someone tell me what I'm missing here.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

What I learned when I was... 10?

Well, I was watching Beck on Friday, and he was talking about "global warming" and the treaty that President Obama will probably sign. I don't want to talk about the treaty, because the thought of it will probably make my head burst into flames. I want to talk tonight about CO2.

Now, these "scientists" that are talking about how CO2 is a "green-house gas" and destroying our atmosphere, apparently missed out on the fourth grade. CO2 is carbon dioxide. One thing that drives me nuts when people are talking about the whole "global warming" thing is that they don't mention that we all exhale carbon dioxide. They also seem to neglect to mention that carbon dioxide is critical in photosynthesis. I'll even put in a pretty little diagram so there's no confusion:

Do you see one of the things released? If you said oxygen, you're correct! Do you know what needs oxygen to survive? You're right, we do!

Okay, lets put this together.... We inhale oxygen, exhale CO2, plants/trees take in CO2 and release oxygen. What an insane idea I just had. If CO2 is such a problem, which it isn't, but let's just say it is, here's my plan: plant more trees/plants. Doesn't that make sense to you? Wouldn't that balance out the problem? I mean, I know I don't have a PhD, but come on...

(photo from http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0775714.html )

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Uh-oh, the peacock is in trouble....

Bad peacock! Bad!

I just read this article at msnbc.com. The White House can't be happy that the media outlet that is the deepest in their pockets, is posting an AP story about how the dems. are stretching the truth about those "evil" insurance companies.

That is unacceptable! Rahm and David had better go back on CNN and put MSNBC in their place. They posted something that they most likely didn't get approved by the White House, they can't be allowed to do that. The article doesn't help out the dems and their health care goals, so they're obviously not a news organization.

Yeah, I know, that's not going to happen.

I love this war they've raged on FOX. They must think that we're stupid enough to fall for it. With all of the misdirection they've sent our way, they apparently think we aren't expecting more. Have you noticed the news is a lot less about health care, and a lot more about H1N1 being declared a national emergency, or about this outright attack on FOX News? They're doing everything they can to get it passed. And it won't surprise me if they try something like this. I checked out that blog today, and saw that video, and was stunned. Congressman Murtha doesn't care, does he? These people just don't care.

I just hope people see what's happening and remember this at election time.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yeah, I watch him, so what?

Alright, so I'm a bit late on this, so I apologize, but I really can't believe it. I mean, I should. How does anything surprise me anymore?

Okay, so the title of this post admits, I do watch Glenn Beck. You may not like him, but he's one of the only people showing us who these people in the White House are. I've actually heard people say that he's a jerk, insane, or worse, but the only people I've heard that from are far lefties that are afraid of the truth.

Anyway, Beck made a good point the other day. He had the video above on his show last Thursday, and yet the media has largely ignored what she said. His point was this: for an entire week the media covered a couple of phrases that Rush Limbaugh didn't say that had major financial implications to him. For a week they trashed him, and continued on about it, yet they haven't touched this story. Why? Why is someone who's trying to buy an NFL team more important that the Communications Director in the White House saying that Mao Tse Tung is one of her favorite political philosophers and someone she turns to most? How is that okay? How is it okay that so many in this administration are practically in love with people as terrible as Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, or any of these other crazed dictators? Is this what you want America? You want leaders that actually think these guys had it right?

When will this end?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Is that bile I taste?

This is going to be a rather short post, because I am supposed to be getting ready for work, but I saw this article and thought I was going to vomit.

Why does it not surprise me that someone nominated Barack Obama for the Nobel Peace Prize? According to that article, the deadline for nomination is February 1st. He'd only been president for about two weeks!!!

How is someone who is causing such division in this country win a Nobel Peace Prize? He so far left of most of the people in this country, and trying to "fundamentally change" America to a place most Americans don't want. So they give him a Nobel Peace Prize?

Seriously makes me sick.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where do these guys come from?

First off, I want to apologize for not posting for awhile. I have been insanely busy, and haven't had much of a chance to keep up with things going on. Things are happening so fast, that if you don't stay caught up, you'll get lost. Every day, it seems, there is something new coming out. Sometimes it just makes your head spin.

While most of the media is focusing on health care, H1N1, or (for awhile) the 2016 Olympics, things are being discovered about our Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. (What a title, right?) It has been known for awhile now, to those who pay attention, that Jennings is very pro-gay rights. Which, that is his decision. He's liberal, so it doesn't surprise me in the slightest. What bothers me is his support for "man-boy" sexual activities. Even on his Wikipedia page it talks about how in one of his books he wrote about a student he counseled that had sexual activity with an adult male. The boy says he was 16 at the time, which apparently is the age of consent in Massachusetts. Frankly, I don't care in the slightest what the age of consent is. The fact that all he really told the kid was, "I hope you wore a condom", is so far beyond wrong.

Oh, but it doesn't stop there. Jennings wrote the forward for a book called Queering Elementary Education. I haven't honestly read his forward, or the book, but if you write a forward for a book, you obviously are relating yourself to, and most likely supporting the concept/goal of the book. Who out there thinks that someone wanting to "queer" elementary education is the right man for the job of the "Safe School Czar"? I don't want schools teaching my child that it's okay to be homosexual, or that it's natural. Anyone that is homosexual has made a choice to be so. Everyone. You're not born with a homosexual gene, or some kind of chemical imbalance that makes you homosexual. Just like you have the choice to have sex before marriage, you also choose who you have sex with. Individuals that have sex outside of marriage don't have genes that make them have sex. They choose it, and I don't want my children being taught by schools that it's a natural, or acceptable choice. That is not the place of the school system, it's for the parents to be able to teach their morals and values.

What ever happened to math, science, and history?

Where does President Obama find these people?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I don't even know what to say.

I was just looking at a blog I follow, and saw a video that literally almost brought tears to my eyes. I want you to go look at it on her blog, I don't want to take credit for finding it. Here's the link. Go ahead, check it out... I'll wait....

Back? Did it make you as sick to your stomach as it did me? What about this video:

Does that look like something you'd want your child participating in? Yeah, not so much.

People are trying to find just about anything to replace God, aren't they? I mean, the absolute worship of President Obama is mind-numbing.

I've got to leave for practice, so I may try to finish this later, I just wanted to let people know about some of this.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where have I heard this before...?

I can't even believe this.

The YouTube page has the lyrics for both songs under "More Info".

While I think the entire thing is disgusting, the thing that stood out to me the most was this verse of the first song:

"He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama"

I had to rewind my TV a couple of times to make sure I heard that right. I couldn't believe it. You know where I've heard that before? How's this sound:

Jesus Loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They're all precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world"

Really? Are you kidding me?

Okay, it's been pretty apparent for awhile that President Obama seems to think he's the Holy One, but there are teachers having our kids sing songs like these? Seriously? It literally makes me want to scream, cry, or both. My daughter is only four months old, but I'm already terrified about what is going on in the public schools, and I just graduated a little over four years ago!

Just so I have this straight, schools aren't allowing Christmas carols to be taught anymore, people are complaining about the pledge, and who knows what else; but songs of praise about President Obama, one of which is to the tune of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic", are alright? Please, tell me, how in the world does that make sense? The fact that the line that I posted above is, intentionally or not, extremely similar to a song about Jesus makes me more than angry. There is a lot of placing President Obama as equal to, or greater than, God that is frightening. Has anyone heard of "You shall have no other gods before Me"? First commandment in the list, to me that would seem important... Not that any of them are not, or less, important.

I'm just wanting to know when we're going to wake up? I'm sure this isn't the only school that is promoting this kind of thing. I'd have maybe thought that it was, until the other day when I saw the video, "The Story of Stuff", that they're showing in schools. Parents, please, if you have any concern about what they're teaching your children, get involved, and put a stop to this garbage. What would have been said if there was a song about Bush being taught to children? I think I'm going to be sick if I keep thinking about it.

I was going to post today on the the anti-Israel style of speech that our President gave yesterday, though I honestly haven't heard the speech in it's entirety. When I saw this video, my mind changed. Which, since I haven't heard the entire thing, it's probably better that I didn't comment on it. Oh well, if you read this far, I'm sorry it was so long. I appreciate you reading it!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We're all racist?

Well, I've been out of town for the past few days, so I've been out of the loop on what's going on. Sure, I heard a little bit of news as we left, and as we returned, but not too much.

The one thing that I have heard the most about is former president Jimmy Carter's statement, "I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American."

That's the kind of thing that I'm sick of hearing. Yes, there are racists out there. Everyone will admit that. However, I think it's absurd that people are throwing this race card all over the place. A majority of America voted him into office, but now that a majority of Americans don't like his policies, they're racist? The pieces just don't fit. The worst part though, is how the MSM is helping push this thought:

The fact that they didn't show that the person with this weapon on his arm was African-American blows my mind.

The more I see every day of this insanity is really making me feel like my head is going to explode. The man in the video of NBC says that there is an anger about a "black person being president." I honestly haven't heard one person that is angry because he is black. The media can't provide one. They might try. Heck, they might find some lunatic that truly is racist, and place him/her as the "spokesman" of the "tea-party movement". They can't, however, back the claims of those like Jimmy Carter.

It's all fear. Fear of being considered a racist. Heck, I don't want to be called racist. I'm not. Most Americans aren't. Though, if you disagree with the policies of the president and this administration, you're suddenly a racist.

Don't listen to it. Stand up for what you believe in. Names are going to be thrown around, as we saw with the things that the people going to the town halls were called. We know we're not racist. The color of a person's skin is irrelevant. This is about the dramatic changes our country is going through, and we don't like it. Don't fear those on the far left that are willing to try to find everything they can to scare you into submission. Tell them it won't work. You know what's right. Let them know.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My First Post - I. Am. An. American.

Hey Everyone. I'm Kris Savage, I'm 22, and have lived in Independence, Mo for most of my life. I have a beautiful wife, Layna, and wonderful daughter, Chloe.

Normally, I'm not very active in politics. Normally I'm not very outspoken, usually I just listen, and create my own thoughts in my mind. However, lately I've felt the need to express what I believe to be the truth. I feel that if I don't start expressing what is going on in my mind, my head will explode. So I've created this blog. My first post, I'm going to copy and paste from a note that I typed last night on Facebook. I want people to read this, and respond. I just ask that you refrain from using any type of profanity in your comments. It is unnecessary, and I will delete any that contain it. I'm also not saying that I'm always right. This is to start a conversation.

Anyway, here's the note I posted on my Facebook last night:

Hey everyone, if you don't want to hear me ramble for awhile, then stop now. Just a fair warning. Maybe I should create a disclaimer. Eh... nah.

Eight years ago today was the biggest slaughter of American lives in history. I'm sure all of you remember where you were, and how you felt when it happened. I do. I will never forget it either. So surreal. An attack, on America, the greatest nation in the world. It couldn't be real. It had to be someone's sick joke. Unfortunately it wasn't.

How about this though: Do you remember what it was like the day after? How about the week after? The month? I do. The country was united. United against an evil that none of us could understand. I remember that there were far fewer robberies, and murders, and such. I remember a country standing for freedom. A country whose state-boundaries disappeared. We weren't 50 states, we were a nation. One nation, under God, indivisible, indestructible, with liberty and justice for all.

What's happened to that? Now we have a major line, right down the middle of our country. I don't care if you're liberal, conservative, or whatever. Why are we letting the government put into more projects, more bills, more plans, more control into our lives? This country declared it's independence from a country whose government had too much control. Americans have worked hard since the founding of this great country to keep their lives their own; to try to live the American dream of using their own blood, sweat, and tears to succeed. Our grandparents, and great-grandparents, and so on, would never have dreamed to have the government spend taxpayer money to make their lives easier. They would be ashamed of us for expecting as much. They didn't need health care, or bailouts, or any of the things that are being shoved down our throats today. They made it because of a desire to do better for their children, and grandchildren.

Yes, people will fail. It's a sad part of life. However, you can't expect to always have someone get you out of a mess you get yourself in. Whatever happened to the term "American Ingenuity"? Are we now going to say, "Good ole' government ingenuity?"

This note isn't about your opinions on things such as abortion, gay marriage, the war, George Bush, Barack Obama, or whatever. This is wondering why you're not worried about your freedom.

We have the greatest constitution in the world. Why are we ignoring it? Why are we allowing 32 czars to be around the president, none of which have been approved by the senate, all of which answer only to the president, all of which are getting paid with taxpayer money, some of who have very radical ideas, that are nowhere near in line with the American people. None of them have to answer to the people whose money is paying their salary.

What has happened? Where is our country headed, because I don't know about you, but I don't like it.

9/11/09. Eight years since the last time this country really came together as one. It's time we did that again.

There is a march on Washington happening tomorrow. Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of people are expected to show up. Not just republicans, but democrats and independents as well. Joining together to stand up to the people in Washington who are so out of touch with what the people of this great country really want. They'll probably be called "tea-baggers", "Nazis", "un-American", or many other despicable names by those trying to push themselves into more power. Well, if I could, I would be there. You can call me whatever name you want to, but it's not going to bother me. I am an American.

I. Am. An. American.