Saturday, November 7, 2009

I want to give a shout-out....

Sorry it's been awhile.

The other day, I was at work late, and when I got in the car, I heard on the news about the shooting at Fort Hood. It was horrible news. I'm sure many of you were astounded that there was a shooting at a military base.

Well, I got home, and started watching Beck, which I record everyday, when I saw the video that I'm about to embed. I was lucky that he addressed the shooting during the time I was recording. Here it is:

Now, I know this was a conference that he was already going to speak to. However, as the Commander-in-Chief, with the entire nation waiting for his response to the incident, how does he think it's okay to come out, smiling, and give a shout-out to someone? Which is more important at that particular moment? This conference, or the horrible tragedy (let alone security issue)?

"Let me first of all just thank Ken, and the entire department of the interior of staff, for organizing just an extraordinary conference."

"I hear that Dr. Joe, Medicine Crow, was around, so I want to give a shout-out to that congressional medal of honor winner."

Are you kidding? Really, I'm serious. Is this a joke? I was yelling at my TV. He was somewhat joyful until almost exactly two minutes into his speech, which is when he finally gets to the part where he addresses the nation about Fort Hood.

And one of my favorite parts is about 4:25 into the video, when he says, "I want all of you to know, that, as the Commander-in-Chief, there is no greater honor, but also no greater responsibility for me, than to make sure that the extraordinary men and women in uniform are properly cared for, and that their safety and security when they are at home, is provided for." Note that he had to make something about him, and that he said that their safety and security while they are at home is his responsibility. Because we all know how prompt he is with making a decision on Afghanistan, so when they're overseas it obviously can't be his responsibility.

Also, something I wanted to point out is that his entire address about the shooting was only about 2:45 long. That's only 45 seconds longer than his little opening. Now, I know what you're going to say, "Well, he didn't have a whole lot of information at the time." I understand that. But if you're going to briefly address the situation, due to lack of information, why start your address to the conference you're at, then stop to address the issue, then restart your address to the conference? How does that even make sense?

Please, someone tell me what I'm missing here.


  1. Don't forget that the Doctor who received the "shout out" wasn't even a Congressional Medal of Honor winner. He was a winner of the Metal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian award (given to the doctor by President Obama himself). If this would have been Bush - can you imagine the negative coverage it would have received?!

  2. Ha, that's true. I had heard that, but I wasn't sure if it was fact or not, so I left it out. There was enough left to talk about.

    It's so sad. Kinda makes my head just want to explode.

  3. hey, i scream at my TV, too!

    only i always make sure i am horizontal in the recliner, and holding a diet coke can. when i get real mad, i squeeze until it explodes!
