Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where have I heard this before...?

I can't even believe this.

The YouTube page has the lyrics for both songs under "More Info".

While I think the entire thing is disgusting, the thing that stood out to me the most was this verse of the first song:

"He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama"

I had to rewind my TV a couple of times to make sure I heard that right. I couldn't believe it. You know where I've heard that before? How's this sound:

Jesus Loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They're all precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world"

Really? Are you kidding me?

Okay, it's been pretty apparent for awhile that President Obama seems to think he's the Holy One, but there are teachers having our kids sing songs like these? Seriously? It literally makes me want to scream, cry, or both. My daughter is only four months old, but I'm already terrified about what is going on in the public schools, and I just graduated a little over four years ago!

Just so I have this straight, schools aren't allowing Christmas carols to be taught anymore, people are complaining about the pledge, and who knows what else; but songs of praise about President Obama, one of which is to the tune of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic", are alright? Please, tell me, how in the world does that make sense? The fact that the line that I posted above is, intentionally or not, extremely similar to a song about Jesus makes me more than angry. There is a lot of placing President Obama as equal to, or greater than, God that is frightening. Has anyone heard of "You shall have no other gods before Me"? First commandment in the list, to me that would seem important... Not that any of them are not, or less, important.

I'm just wanting to know when we're going to wake up? I'm sure this isn't the only school that is promoting this kind of thing. I'd have maybe thought that it was, until the other day when I saw the video, "The Story of Stuff", that they're showing in schools. Parents, please, if you have any concern about what they're teaching your children, get involved, and put a stop to this garbage. What would have been said if there was a song about Bush being taught to children? I think I'm going to be sick if I keep thinking about it.

I was going to post today on the the anti-Israel style of speech that our President gave yesterday, though I honestly haven't heard the speech in it's entirety. When I saw this video, my mind changed. Which, since I haven't heard the entire thing, it's probably better that I didn't comment on it. Oh well, if you read this far, I'm sorry it was so long. I appreciate you reading it!


  1. Kris, I agree with you 100%. Many times I have heard "him" referred to as the "Savior"
    People better wise up and take a look at what is going on in our country. OH My! Keep up the blogs. You're a good man!

  2. Have you ever seen the movie Obsession? Its a pro-islamic movie filmed over in the Middle East about their hatred for Americans and their praises for Allah and all that other jihadist whatnot. In a way its almost an exact contrast of what's happening here; they sing praises for Allah and their jihadists, we sing praises for our own leaders. They teach little innocent children to hate Americans before they develop the mental capacities to think for themselves, and we do the same with a blind love for the head of our nation. If you haven't seen it and want to get all riled up, then I would recommend to go watch it.

    The copying religious songs and hymns, I don't even know where to begin. I agree with you on this, what the hell are they doing?

