Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another shout-out?

I'm watching President Obama speaking at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska from earlier today.... The first thing that stood out to me, is that this guy just loves giving shout-outs. So far all I've heard is shout-outs, and applause.... I'm not sure why this was even on TV.... This is completely pointless.... So far it's been about three minutes of welcoming/thanking different people/groups of people.... "Senator Mark Begich is in the house." Really? Did he just say that?

Thank you President Obama for wasting my time.

HAHAHAHA. They cut him off on FOX News. He was just rambling. HAHA.

It seems like what he was getting to was just another one of his meaningless speeches. His empty words. Typical politician.

Am I the only one who is actually starting to get sick to his stomach whenever he is talking? I don't trust a word he says when he speaks. It literally makes me feel ill.

When I was little, I hated it when the president spoke. It ruined that night of TV, it was beyond boring for me, and Bill Clinton was just all-around pretty scary. Now, I hate it for different reasons. The outright lies that come from him make me want to explode. It takes all I have to even read through one of his speeches without pulling a Congressman Joe Wilson. My poor laptop screen can't take all the verbal abuse, it's just the messenger.

I don't know. I'm tired of all of this. I host hope for a conservative (not republican) victory next year.

Get ready for another year of, "I'm ______ and I approve this message."

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