Saturday, September 19, 2009

We're all racist?

Well, I've been out of town for the past few days, so I've been out of the loop on what's going on. Sure, I heard a little bit of news as we left, and as we returned, but not too much.

The one thing that I have heard the most about is former president Jimmy Carter's statement, "I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American."

That's the kind of thing that I'm sick of hearing. Yes, there are racists out there. Everyone will admit that. However, I think it's absurd that people are throwing this race card all over the place. A majority of America voted him into office, but now that a majority of Americans don't like his policies, they're racist? The pieces just don't fit. The worst part though, is how the MSM is helping push this thought:

The fact that they didn't show that the person with this weapon on his arm was African-American blows my mind.

The more I see every day of this insanity is really making me feel like my head is going to explode. The man in the video of NBC says that there is an anger about a "black person being president." I honestly haven't heard one person that is angry because he is black. The media can't provide one. They might try. Heck, they might find some lunatic that truly is racist, and place him/her as the "spokesman" of the "tea-party movement". They can't, however, back the claims of those like Jimmy Carter.

It's all fear. Fear of being considered a racist. Heck, I don't want to be called racist. I'm not. Most Americans aren't. Though, if you disagree with the policies of the president and this administration, you're suddenly a racist.

Don't listen to it. Stand up for what you believe in. Names are going to be thrown around, as we saw with the things that the people going to the town halls were called. We know we're not racist. The color of a person's skin is irrelevant. This is about the dramatic changes our country is going through, and we don't like it. Don't fear those on the far left that are willing to try to find everything they can to scare you into submission. Tell them it won't work. You know what's right. Let them know.

1 comment:

  1. Thats hilarious, play the race card against the president after showing a video that someone has a gun, and then neglect to show that the man who has the gun is black. Classic media, classic media...
